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Holy Days

Moroccan camels, the power of travel, childishness and wonder.

Drumming in a Houseboat Basement

Psych Rock, AI & Drama in Art, Richard Avendon

Milano, Milanese, Tartufo

Email #016 of The Night Letters: pilgrimage to the Italian countryside, art walks, rodents and white truffles

Bye Bye, 2023

Email #015 of The Night Letters: A look-back and a book review

Food is everything

Why is food so important?


Email #014 of the The Night Letters: Southern Etymology, AI Chickens, the Westvleteren 12

Regulating UFOs, French Food, Fashion Week

Email #013 of The Night Letters: Stylishness, French rule-making, and headcheese

Yes Chef

Email #012 of The Night Letters: Learning to suck, neckerchiefs, Alain the french guy

New Home, Old Love

Email #011 of The Night Letters: A new home, a strange love letter

Cooking, My Stupid Soul-Mate

A strange lover letter

Special Photo Edition: Walking in High Country

Email #010 of The Night Letters: Walking in the Spearhead range

Wine, Pizza, Bad Hotdogs

Observations from 36 hours in Brooklyn

The Ghost of Steve

San Fransisco in 72 hours

A Snowy, Snowy Walk

Email #009 of The Night Letters: a walk in the mountains

Walking Mexico City

Email #008 of The Night Letters: A Walk in Mexico City

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