Index of Shorts


Food is everything

Why is food so important?

The Humble Micro-interaction

When we talk of software, we fetishize big ideas. but what of the humble micro-interaction?

Love Note to a Pamphlet

A small shop in Tokyo, a small printed essay

In Service of Style

Bukowski had style. How can we have more style?

On Writing, Craft, Monkeys and Bananas

Speaking is easy. Why is writing hard?

Chrome Yellow

Pilgrimage to an Atlanta coffee shop

These Damn Loud Flowers

Sitcom characters and tableaus in East Vancouver

Ants and Emperors

An ode to cities and countries

Rock 'n Roll, Ballet, Sourdough Boules

Good morning, Or, more accurately — good afternoon. As I’m writing this, I am sitting at my kitchen table, cold coffee just within spilling


The graffiti on the sign says “ETC.” 'Et Cetera’ is a latin calque, or a word borrowed, literally, from another language. It means “and o

A Speeding Blueberry

It was a fine morning, and I was walking the streets amongst the paper-weight industrial buildings that bleed from my tree-lined, suburban n

Walking, Soft Jazz

I went for a walk this morning. Not a serious walk; I had no destination. Just a little stretching of legs, a little breathing of fresh Sund

On Not Knowing How to Start

You think about it, for a while, staring pensively out the window and turning this new idea over and over in your head like an old coin. Yo

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